Photovoltaic System Maintenance 2024: Complete Guide

Maintenance of Photovoltaic System is an essential operation that should not be underestimated, as it helps to extend its useful life and keep system always efficient. This is small cost to bear that can bring important benefits, to maximize performance of Panels and prevent possible failures and malfunctions.

In these cases, do-it-yourself cleaning of Photovoltaic System is not recommended, always turning to specialized companies to wash Panels and check System Components. Here’s everything you need to know about Photovoltaic Maintenance, from the necessary interventions to when to clean Solar Panels.

Why Do Maintenance On Photovoltaic System

When Installing Photovoltaic System for your Home you must also take into account Necessary Maintenance. On other Hand, like any household appliance or system that requires some periodic checks to evaluate its functionality and performance, Photovoltaic System must also be inspected and cleaned. Furthermore, after few years, some components such as inverter need to be replaced.

In Fact, Following Installation, periodic checks must be carried out in order to preserve the efficiency of system and maintain good performance. Good news is that ordinary Maintenance Interventions do not have particularly high costs, so it is possible to take care of Photovoltaic System without incurring excessive expenses.

Maintenance activities of Photovoltaic Solar Panels and other components of system also serve to verify tightness of anchoring systems, and to avoid accidents by regularly tightening screws and bolts. In this way, it is possible to take advantage of a safe and efficient system, to protect your investment over time.

Ordinary And Extraordinary Maintenance: Differences In Summary

Ordinary Maintenance of Photovoltaic Systems includes all routine operations, such as periodic cleaning of Panels and visual inspection, while extraordinary Maintenance refers to unplanned interventions such as repairs and replacement of worn components.

Ordinary Maintenance Of Photovoltaic System: 5 Rules To Follow

To guarantee correct functioning of Photovoltaic System there are some rules to follow for Ordinary Maintenance, with series of operations and checks that can be carried out by owner or by specialized Technician.

Rule 1: Clean Photovoltaic Panels Regularly

Performance of Photovoltaic Modules can be reduced by dirt that accumulates on surface over time. For this reason, it is essential to periodically clean Panels using specific products, using special detergents, and non-abrasive brushes to avoid scratching the covering of modules. If you can reach panels safely, you can clean them yourself, only calling a company for more thorough cleaning once or Twice Year, otherwise, it is better to rely on professionals.

Rule 2: Always Remove Snow From Panels

In homes located in areas subject to particularly harsh winters, with frequent and heavy snowfall, it is important to remove the snow from Photovoltaic Panels before it freezes. Otherwise, you have to wait for sun to melt it naturally to avoid damaging modules, remembering to never use salt to accelerate melting of snow as it corrodes Panels.

Rule 3: Check Performance Of System

Fundamental Routine Maintenance operation of Photovoltaic System is monitoring performance of Photovoltaic Solar Panels, to verify that level of efficiency is adequate. Today there are practical remote monitoring systems via apps, to check efficiency of modules from your smartphone and intervene in case of problems.

Rule 4: Check Tightening Of Bolts

At least once year it is necessary for technician to check the tightening of System Bolts, to verify the correct fixing of anchoring systems and support structure of Photovoltaic Panels. This operation can be combined with cleaning modules and inspecting electrical components to save money.

Rule 5: Check Integrity Of Photovoltaic Panels

It is necessary to periodically check that Glass of Photovoltaic Modules is perfectly intact, especially following a storm with falling leaves and branches from nearby trees. Even small crack could reduce efficiency of Panels, so it is better to Call Technician immediately or monitor performance of modules more carefully for few days.

Extraordinary Maintenance Of Photovoltaic Panels: 5 Rules To Follow

Extraordinary Maintenance of Photovoltaic System involves series of Rules to be respected, to avoid safety risks and intervene before significant damage occurs, in addition to repair operations after sudden failure or accident. Here are 5 things to Consider.

Rule 1: Replace Components When Necessary

While Photovoltaic System has an average useful life of 25 years, some components must be replaced sooner, such as inverter which must be changed after 10-12 years. Some devices, in fact, become less efficient over time, furthermore more advanced components may have been developed on market which allow expense to be amortized thanks to better performance of system.

Rule 2: Check All Electrical Connections

At least once year qualified technician should check electrical connections of Photovoltaic System, an essential maintenance operation for safety. In fact, short circuit or sheath of worn electrical wire could cause significant damage with significantly lower expense for inspection and safety.

Rule 3: Repair Damaged Photovoltaic Panels

Damaged Photovoltaic Module must be immediately inspected and repaired by qualified technician, replacing the module if necessary. Crack or Scratch on Glass could widen in winter due to ice, until it completely breaks Glass surface, endangering not only system but also passers-by due to falling fragments.

Rule 4: Carry Out Extraordinary Maintenance Before Winter

Extraordinary Maintenance of Photovoltaic System should be carried out before winter, therefore in autumn, repeating a check if necessary during the spring after the cold season. In this way it is possible to verify the functioning and integrity of the panels and other components after the most stressful period for the system, checking that everything is in order following the intense meteorological events typical of this season.

Rule 5: Contact Specialized Technician

Extraordinary Maintenance requires complex and delicate Interventions, such as checking electrical connections, descaling Panels, checking inverter and checking antifreeze liquid. These operations must be carried out by Professionals, so it is essential to avoid do-it-yourself in these circumstances to avoid putting your safety at risk and damaging system.

Frequent Question

Let’s see answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Photovoltaic System Maintenance, to clarify some points and eliminate any doubts on matter.

Is Maintenance Of Photovoltaic System Mandatory?

Photovoltaic Maintenance is mandatory only for systems with Power Greater than 11.08 kW.

How Much Does Annual Maintenance Of Photovoltaic System Cost?

Maintenance Cost of Photovoltaic System is approximately 100-300 Euros per year.

How Much Does It Cost To Clean Photovoltaic System?

Cost of Cleaning Photovoltaic Panels is around 35-50 Euros per kW.

How Many Years Does Photovoltaic System Last?

Photovoltaic System lasts on average 25 years if correct ordinary and extraordinary maintenance is carried out.

How Do You Maintain Solar Panels?

Maintenance of Photovoltaic Solar Panels requires cleaning modules to eliminate dust and dirt accumulated on surface.

How Much Annual Maintenance Should You Do?

At least one maintenance operation is required per year, but additional cleaning may be possible in adverse weather conditions.

Do Maintenance Works Need To Be Communicated To GSE?

Maintenance work on Photovoltaic Systems must be communicated to GSE only if they make significant changes.