The Cost of 6kW solar system is influenced by numerous factors, including type of system chosen and components to be installed, such as the storage device and inverter. Considering the public incentives and reduced prices in recent years, it is more convenient investment than in past. To make an informed choice, it is essential to know indicative costs of each type of 6kW solar system, to make the right decision and obtain greatest economic and environmental benefits.

The Different Types of 6kW Solar Systems
The cost of 6kW solar system depends first of all on type of system to be installed. Components such as storage, inverter models and the presence of devices such as heat pump can affect the overall investment. For this reason, choice must be evaluated with particular attention, accurately analyzing cost of solar system based on the type:Â Â
- 6kW Solar System Connected to Grid: in these cases, solar system is connected directly to the local external electricity grid, using the connection point for the injection of electricity through the on-site exchange mechanism managed by (Energy Services Manager) ESM. In this way, electricity produced can be sold to national grid, with possibility of drawing electricity to meet your own energy needs and reducing price paid on bills.  Â
- 6kW Solar System with Storage: More expensive system than traditional one is solar system with storage, as it involves installation of batteries to store unconsumed energy for use at later time, for example at night or on cloudy days. Extra cost is linked to storage system, with more or less high value based on technology and battery capacity. Â
- 6kW Solar System with Storage and Heat Pump: These systems require considerable investment, in fact in addition to solar system it is necessary to install storage device for storage and heat pump for heating, cooling and supplying domestic hot water. It is able to provide significant economic and environmental savings in long term. Â
- 6kW Three-Phase or Single-Phase Solar System: Solar Inverter is essential for converting direct electrical energy into alternating current, in order to use it at home for self-consumption or to recharge storage systems. For solar systems up to 6kW, single-phase or three-phase inverters can be used, while from 6kW onwards, use of three-phase inverters is mandatory to avoid phase shift problems with external grid.
6kW Solar System Price in Pakistan
To understand how much 6kW solar system costs, you need to analyze series of aspects, taking into account price of various components and management costs. In particular, the items of expenditure to evaluate are following:
- Solar Panels Price: Price of panels depends on numerous factors, such as technology, quality and efficiency of modules. An important parameter is power of panels based on their size, to optimize space and reduce clutter. Polycrystalline and monocrystalline modules are the cheapest with prices starting from 18000 to 22000 rupees per panel, while for high-efficiency modules you can spend up to 40000 to 50000 rupees for each panel.
- Storage System Cost: Price of batteries to store electricity depends on technology and capacity of storage, with nickel/cadmium models being slightly cheaper and lithium models being more expensive but also more efficient and performing. On average, 9.6kWh lithium storage system suitable for 6kW solar system can cost around 6 lakh rupees, dropping to 4 lakh rupees for 7.2kWh lithium batteries.Â
- Solar Inverter Price: This essential device is generally included in price of the system, with cost linked to technology and single-phase or three-phase configuration. Average cost for 6kW solar inverter is around 2 lakh to 2.5 lakh rupees for single-phase model, while for three-phase device it is around 3 lakh to 4 lakh rupees.Â
- Heat Pump Price: Cost of heat pump varies based on size and type of system (Air/Air, Air/Water, Water/Water). The cost for 6kW heat pump with at least 100 liters of storage is around 10 lakh rupees.
- Management Price: Obviously, you also need to consider maintenance costs of solar system, such as periodic cleaning of panels and checking components. On average, management costs can range from 22000 to 25000 rupees/kW, so 6kW solar system requires additional costs of around 1.5 Lakh to 2 Lakh rupees.Â
Considering Various Factors, Price of 6kW solar system can range from 3 Lakh to 4 Lakh rupees per kW, with an overall cost of around 15 Lakh to 20 Lakh rupees. Cost can increase based on installation and maintenance costs, assembly of an integrated heat pump and storage system. Turnkey price of 6kW solar system obviously includes all expenses, It is important to check impact of various items to understand if it is possible to save on some aspects.
Investment can be subject to tax breaks, in fact systems up to 20kW can benefit from incentives of Renovation Bonus, Ecobonus and Superbonus (in case of installation carried out together with driving intervention with an increase of at least two energy classes of building). The tax deduction can range from 50 to 110%, with possibility of converting tax bonus into tax credit for an immediate discount by company carrying out work or supplier.
6kW Solar System with Storage Price
6kW Solar System kit with storage allows you to use self-produced electricity for direct and deferred self-consumption, optimizing the ability to use electricity during the day and night depending on your energy needs. Cost of 6kW solar system with storage is naturally higher than system without batteries, however it provides an economic advantage over time thanks to greater self-consumption.
In this case, you need to take into account price of batteries, your annual electricity consumption and percentage of deferred self-consumption obtainable with storage system, in order to calculate ratio between the initial extra expense and the additional savings in long term. Price of 6kW solar system with storage, therefore, can reach an amount of approximately 25 Lakh to 30 Lakh rupees.
In addition to this value, it is necessary to take into account lower withdrawal of electricity from grid obtained with increase in self-consumption, in order to determine real economic convenience of installing solar system equipped with storage. According to ESM report, in fact, systems without batteries give up to 65% of electricity produced to grid, since they are not able to consume it immediately, while with storage system it is possible to reduce this percentage and withdraw less energy from grid, containing costs associated with this type of operation.
How Much Does 6kW Solar System Produce?
One aspect to evaluate in cost analysis is performance of 6kW solar system, to understand how much you can actually save on your electricity bill. The annual production of electricity depends on various factors, including:
- Solar radiation
- Orientation and inclination of panels
- Losses of solar system
- Panel technology
- Aging of modules and components
- Maintenance and cleaning
Estimate of electricity produced by 6kW solar system is approximately 8,000kWh per year. Taking into account average solar radiation in Pakistan, this value can range from minimum of 7,200kWh to maximum of 9,000kWh in Punjab.
Even in this circumstance, with storage system it is possible to increase system’s performance, storing energy at times of greatest production to use it when weather conditions reduce performance.
Average Monthly Production of 6kW Solar System
Very useful system for calculating production of solar systems is proposed by Pakistan Commission, through online simulation tool NEECA (National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority): Simply click on map to select geographic location, enter all data on type of system and calculate estimated average monthly production. It is also possible to choose panel technology, inclination, orientation and loss of solar system.
For Example, with 6 kW system installed in Punjab, composed of crystalline silicon panels with loss of 14%, an inclination of 35 degrees and an orientation of 5 degrees, system calculates following monthly yield:
- January 486kWh
- February 561kWh
- March 718kWh
- April 796kWh
- May 891kWh
- June 895kWh
- July 971kWh
- August 939kWh
- September 778kWh
- October 671kWh
- November 520kWh
- December 493kWh
To install 6kW solar system, you need at least 50 m2 of space.
6kW Solar System Dimensions
To understand how many square meters 6kW solar system occupies, you need to consider efficiency of panels, in fact higher this parameter is, smaller size of system will be and vice versa. On average, for 6kW residential solar system you need at least 50 square meters of available space, with smaller surface for pitched roofs around 38-45 square meters and larger surface for house roofs with around 55-65 square meters to avoid shading.
How Many Solar Panels for 6kW?
To establish how many panels are needed for 6kW, you need to consider power of individual modules, which nowadays is around 300-400 Watts. In this way, it is possible to calculate how much space 6kW solar system takes up, multiplying the surface area of ​​each panel by total number of modules to be installed. On average, 6kW system can require 15-20 solar panels.